What is Effingham Roots? Effingham Roots is The voice Crying in The Wilderness. We not only love Effingham County, Ga but also love it's multi-ethnic and diverse people. We specialize in the 4-Step Historical Journey of The Hebrew African Tribes of the Bible inspiring those that love the rich local Effingham history that merges, perfectly, with America's National History then, beautifully, intertwines with the larger World History, which then, spiritually, interconnects with present day Biblical History called Bible Prophecy. In this four-step historical journey from local to national to global then biblical, one thing is lacking, which needs to be reconciled---the presence and contributions of so-called Black people. Our early presence and sacrifices have all been rendered nearly invisible from the landscape of history. An entire people have been “swept under the rug” from the pages of history as though their very presence never existed. How can this be? For instance, at the very inception of the Georgia Colony, from 1733-1750, there was a ban on slavery. Okay. Georgia was to have no slaves (Black or White). Again, okay. However, to clear the land and lay the foundation of both Savannah and nearby Ebenezer --General James Oglethorpe would break his own rule. He, too, joined the slave abusing crowd. History and our Creator records that to help establish and birth both Savannah and Ebenezer, Gen. Oglethorpe did not target any White colonist innocent of breaking the law. Oglethorpe did not enslave any of the early European immigrants coming to Savannah like the Salzburgers from Austria, nor the French, neither any of the Jewish settlers. These groups who came to North America, fleeing various persecutions and imprisonment in their own country, were spared from being forced into life-long imprisonment of misery and toil. Instead, Gen. Oglethorpe and many of those claiming "religious freedom" the loudest (The Malcontents) were the very ones who escaped their own persecutions and then targeted and persecuted so-called Black Hebrews who committed no crime. So-called Black men who had not committed murder, kidnapping, horse-stealing, or arson were the ones profiled and forced into prison work camps where they labored day and night to help build Savannah and Ebenezer. This chained and persecuted class of human beings became Georgia's Black labor force "borrowed" from South Carolina slave holders. Fast forward to the 21st Century and all around the beautiful City of Savannah you will find tokens of appreciation for the value brought to this area by Gen. Oglethorpe. In his name and honor you will find a statue, historical markers, a street named Oglethorpe, even a Oglethorpe Mall. His name and memory have lived on for more than 200 years after his death. Honestly, I find nothing wrong with honoring Gen. Oglethorpe. However, we must be fair and honest. If Gen. Oglethorpe is still honored and recognized today then how much more the ones who sacrificed their very lives and were denied any inheritance for their descendants after laboring to help build the riches of Savannah and Ebenezer? Not even General Oglethorpe sacrificed his freedom for a life time of imprisonment with hard labor and a bull-whip. I'm talking about the innocent Black men, women and children who committed no crime yet found themselves stripped of their divine human right of freedom then forced into chains and shackles and imprisoned to a life-sentence on work farms for hundreds of years. To make matters worst, history and The Creator have recorded that if and when these enslaved "free people" escaped their "unjust" confinement they were the ones labeled and treated as criminals---"FUGITIVES." Black lives meant nothing while their kidnappers and tormentors continue to receive a historical pass and justification for (what the Bible clearly describes as), "Evil Treatment" (Acts 7:6). So, how can EVIL TREATMENT lasting several centuries go unmentioned, allowing the perpetrators become history's heroes---honored with statues and monuments while those who had been destroyed by the long-standing evil, still, remain history's outcasts even to this present day? Why Is This Still Happening (from Georgia's 1733--to Now)? Remember when I explained The 4-Step History? Local to National to Global to Biblical. This is how our local Effingham, Ga History fits into Biblical History. For it is written, "And God spake on this wise, That His seed should sojourn in a strange land; and that they should bring THEM into bondage [SLAVERY], and entreat them evil four hundred years [400 years]." ----Acts 7:6-7
It's Time To Come Together There can be no reconciliation without honest and fair dialogue between people of good-will. Mutual respect and peace must abound. I love the human family without any type of racial bigotry or hatred. For it is written, "If a man say, I love God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: for he that love not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?" (I John 4:20) Search throughout Savannah, Chatham County and then across Effingham County, Ga. You will find many historical monuments, statues, plaques and markers. Of all the many statues and monuments honoring the early European settlers in Georgia--not one of them contributed while innocent and free yet kidnapped, imprisoned, chained, and sentenced to a life-long fate of hard labor under the threat of whip and death. No, not one. Where is our place in history after centuries of giving our blood, sweat and tears to make Savannah, Ebenzer, Effingham and Georgia great? We, as a people, labored much and received nothing. We remain invisible even though we contributed and sacrificed while others lived and prospered off of our very existence. Effingham Roots, as I said, is The Voice Crying In The Wilderness. It's time for reconciliation and a coming together in the spirit of true brotherhood and mutual respect, without any type of racial bigotry or hatred, as it is written. "Behold, the time is at hand. Repent and believe the End Time Gospel."
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